Install Chrome
The easiest way to install Chrome is to really just download the latest version from the chrome site.
It should then prompt you to install the “*.deb” version of Chrome, I choose the following version.
Once it is download, you need to run the following command.
This will install Google Chrome, once it is done, click to launch it.
If you get an error like this when launching Chrome you will need to make some changes.
Go to the end of the file and find this following line:
Save and close the file.
Now you can run Google Chrome from Application > Internet > Google Chrome in Kali Linux as root user.
The easiest way to install Chrome is to really just download the latest version from the chrome site.
It should then prompt you to install the “*.deb” version of Chrome, I choose the following version.
Once it is download, you need to run the following command.
1 | dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb |
If you get an error like this when launching Chrome you will need to make some changes.
Run Google Chrome as Root user in Kali Linux
This is the second way of running Google Chrome in Kali Linux. Many will have different views whether it’s a good idea to run as root, but you’re probably running IceWeasel/Firefox/Opera and who knows what browser already while signed into your Google account. So I’ll leave the judgment upto you whether this is what you want to do or not!Edit required file
leafpad /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome
Go to the end of the file and find this following line:
exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome" "$@"
Add -user-data-dir string
at the end of that line. So the new line would look like this:Save and close the file.
Now you can run Google Chrome from Application > Internet > Google Chrome in Kali Linux as root user.
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